I was checking the new laptop which I got from the company and it was that day that I found, this is real kewl site and I really liked the concept.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
This is my first test with the Writely. I still need to find out about the features and usability of this tool.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I'm Back Again
After a gap of so many months an days, I'm back again. one of the greatest achievment is that my house is now WiFi enabled which makes life for lazy people like me a bit easy and now I can post some stuff from anywhere.
Another reason I'm writing after so long time is that I'm bit free today (not exactly, its 1:30 in night) and since my wife is not here, I can spend sometime for this as well. (I hope she's not reading this ;-) )
Sunday, May 15, 2005
The springing Spring
Volleyball sessions, Tennis lessons and then couple of weeks of rest from "All play and no work" due to some hectic schedule at work and a sprain in the left ankle made past the last two months just like that. The sudden urge to play was very obvious because of the weather which is becoming better and brighter day by day. Friends started to weave plans for the weekends and what got materialize was the trip to Brooklyn Aquarium on Saturday.
Friday evening, it was at around eightish, when I decided to call it a day and the week at the office. I started to walk to subway on my way to home and it was still bright and the people wore even brighter looks due to the spring, may be, though there was a light cold breeze. I didn't had with me the music machine, having my favorites songs, but the short trip back to my home didn't bother me much. By the time I reached home, I realized all my apartment-mates were out. So I decided to checkout my friend at his home. Though, I spend most of the time at office with him, but still. I put on heavy red colored jacket and started to move towards his home. At his home, at the dinner, the plan was chalked for Aquarium.
Morning 9:30 AM, was the time to meet. Rendezvous - the subway station. But the plan was bit delayed due to the Saturday morning desi programme. Nevertheless, the journey for me, my friend Sam and his wife, Sumana, started at around 10:00 and it was almost 11 by the time we reached the destination. Thanks to the corporate policy, we didn't had to pay a single penny to enter. The aquarium is very famous and somewhat big also. There we saw seals, Walrus, sharks, whale and some penguins apart from the myriad fishes, all whose name I don't recall now. Yeah, but some of them were Jelly fishes, Eel, Star fish, turtles etc. We started to feel hungry so grubbed some french fries with grilled chicken sandwich, chicken tenders and pepsi. After the sort of lunch, we carried the under sea kinda exploration and it was 2:00 we were almost done.
This aquarium being located near the sea, we wanted to checkout the beach there, the famous Coney Island beach. The waves were not very strong because they had jetties to protect beach. But the water was ice cold. The sand was very fine just unlike the place where I had been staying an year before. We ran, played and "constructed" bridge from sand, obviously. It was fun and we stayed for almost an hour and half before decided to start back. Next was the plan to see a Hindi movie at The Times Square theatre. We reached there, but to our dissapointment, there were none which we could watch. And after the busy day, it was time to come back to home, sweet home. That was the end of a beautiful Spring day.

Coney Island Beach

Monday, March 28, 2005
Maaris Se Minar Tak
October 2001: We were the group of 20 odd guys and gals joined the company, after graduating fresh from college. The whole lot full of enthusiasm, were intially into the training sessions, unofficialy known as the Honeymoon period. Reach early in the morning, till around 9:00, attend a session followed by lunch at the cafeteria then continuing the sessions till the evening and finally calling the day at around 6. After the training sessions, we were split into smaller groups and were alloted the project. But the same group almost existed and we used to go together for lunch and dinner almost daily. Those were the days when we used to frequently visit the restaurant near the office, called Maaris, an authentic South Indian hangout at Chennai. The famous saapadh on the bana leaf was the favourite of all, apart from the Idli, vada and dosa.
March 2005: The group is now totally spreadout now. Everyone has moved on for better opportunity, me being an exception. But still the memories of those good days was refreshed when two out of that 20 odd people group decided to come to my places, miles away from that quiet city. So on the weekend they landed at my place, one from California and another from Pitsburgh, to visit me and see the "Big Apple" New York City. We went all over the places from Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State building, Times Square etc. and had real fun. And then this thought creeped up in my mind, while having some food to energize our system at Minar, a desi restaurant in the midtown: Maaris se Minar tak.
March 2005: The group is now totally spreadout now. Everyone has moved on for better opportunity, me being an exception. But still the memories of those good days was refreshed when two out of that 20 odd people group decided to come to my places, miles away from that quiet city. So on the weekend they landed at my place, one from California and another from Pitsburgh, to visit me and see the "Big Apple" New York City. We went all over the places from Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State building, Times Square etc. and had real fun. And then this thought creeped up in my mind, while having some food to energize our system at Minar, a desi restaurant in the midtown: Maaris se Minar tak.
Friday, March 04, 2005
I'm back
Its been a long time, since I have blogged. Its not because of I didn't get time but primarily of my inertness. I'm using the variation of word "inert" after a long time. It used to be a frequent thing when I used to study about those elements in the periodic table which were placed on the right side of it and ofcourse I do remember some of these. Argon, Krypton etc. Being a graduate of Science, I mustn't say like this. If ever my college gets to know about my "immense" knowledge base, they would surely ... you know what :)
The most interesting thing happened last fortnight was a weekend at Ithaca at my college friends. I was accompanied with my roomates whom I stay here. It was wondrous drive at night, an incredible hour spent at night club there followed by amazing skiing trip next day. I fell myriad times there while skiing but everytime I started I had feeling that I'm James Bond and thought of Bond music playing. How stupid of me..but that gave me real fun out there. After spending half a dozen of hours there we got so tired and hungry that we went directly for the dinner. There was place called King Buffet and as the name suggests, it was real big place. I had almost 5 course meals tarting with soup, starters, main-course, fruits and finally dessert. The word "dessert" reminds of a hangout which in its menu-card had written - "desert"!!! Wow, one 's' can make a hell lotta difference. ( Hey, did I say 's' or "ass", anyway.)
I, with my friend, went to see the movie "Black". The movie was awesome and I wept almost five-six times. Btw, I cry almost everyday: only while chopping onions, ofcourse. Its a good thing for eyes, the fluid just cleans up the eye. Fact: The onions cell contains enzymes which can be transformed to sulfenic acid. This gets rearranged to volatile gas when the onion is chopped. When this gas reaches the eye, it takes the form of sulphuric acid. To this the brain reacts by producing more water and we cry.
So after coming out of the theatre after watching the movie, the whole path was covered by the snow. It was awesome. The snow was falling like thin cotton threads and we just had a burger with french fries and coke sitting besides the big glass window seeing the nature. After filling up the empty stomach we started back to home. By the time we came back, I was almost covered in snow. What a contrast...went to see Black and came back in White.
Today I took a day off from my work and just relaxing at home. Probably, tomorrow I'm going to go for shopping spree.
The most interesting thing happened last fortnight was a weekend at Ithaca at my college friends. I was accompanied with my roomates whom I stay here. It was wondrous drive at night, an incredible hour spent at night club there followed by amazing skiing trip next day. I fell myriad times there while skiing but everytime I started I had feeling that I'm James Bond and thought of Bond music playing. How stupid of me..but that gave me real fun out there. After spending half a dozen of hours there we got so tired and hungry that we went directly for the dinner. There was place called King Buffet and as the name suggests, it was real big place. I had almost 5 course meals tarting with soup, starters, main-course, fruits and finally dessert. The word "dessert" reminds of a hangout which in its menu-card had written - "desert"!!! Wow, one 's' can make a hell lotta difference. ( Hey, did I say 's' or "ass", anyway.)
I, with my friend, went to see the movie "Black". The movie was awesome and I wept almost five-six times. Btw, I cry almost everyday: only while chopping onions, ofcourse. Its a good thing for eyes, the fluid just cleans up the eye. Fact: The onions cell contains enzymes which can be transformed to sulfenic acid. This gets rearranged to volatile gas when the onion is chopped. When this gas reaches the eye, it takes the form of sulphuric acid. To this the brain reacts by producing more water and we cry.
So after coming out of the theatre after watching the movie, the whole path was covered by the snow. It was awesome. The snow was falling like thin cotton threads and we just had a burger with french fries and coke sitting besides the big glass window seeing the nature. After filling up the empty stomach we started back to home. By the time we came back, I was almost covered in snow. What a contrast...went to see Black and came back in White.
Today I took a day off from my work and just relaxing at home. Probably, tomorrow I'm going to go for shopping spree.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Today evening was a wonderful one, an evening of the Grammy Awards. So glued to TV, I was watching the presentation of the lead singers and performers from U2, Alicia Keys, Destiny Child to Usher, Norah Jones, Kanye West, J Lo, John Mayer etc etc. They all had a wonderful music to present and some of the songs had amazing words to them. Inspired by them I today ended up in writing a small poem (This may be an effect of Valentine day ;) also). So here it goes:
Occupied by the threads of thought on the way,
About the moments past, was the day today,
Making me think now, how much I miss
Living next street, the beautiful face of a miss.
Transmitted by the neurons of mind all along,
Her red lips blush still there along,
Making me smile, I think of her, whenever,
I know, for me, she'll be an angel forever.
Painted by the colours of rainbow, I'm dreaming,
Of her and me, going on ride, screaming,
I'm in heaven, I know for sure,
Pearl is like her, white and pure.
Blown are the melancholy winds strong,
When I realize, she's not along,
Making me think only one thing,
I wish she were in real.