Oh God!
Generally surfing the net, I stopped by the site which I used to visit frequently long time before. Having gone through all the masala news, I thought to read something on Astrology. So checked my bhavishya for the day, then for the week and then for the month. Awesome is all I can say. Ofcourse, true for personality like me.
Then I tried to find the compatibilty between me and my girlfriend. It asked my zodiac sign and that of my partner's. After choosing for both if us, I clicked on "Get Lucky", keeping my finger crossed. It took a second to display the result. It said: "Error. Unexpected error occured during transaction. If problem persists, please contact Administrator".
Oh God! help me.
Then I tried to find the compatibilty between me and my girlfriend. It asked my zodiac sign and that of my partner's. After choosing for both if us, I clicked on "Get Lucky", keeping my finger crossed. It took a second to display the result. It said: "Error. Unexpected error occured during transaction. If problem persists, please contact Administrator".
Oh God! help me.
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